Greenies Large BLUEBERRY Pack 340gm


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SKU: GREETPB4 Category:


Greenies® BLUEBERRY removes plaque and tartar – even heavy deposits, reduces gingivitis, freshens breath and improves your dogs overall oral health by helping to deter dental disease.

When you begin feeding Greenies®, most pet owners notice an improvement in their dogs teeth and breath in less than two weeks. For optimum dental health, one Greenies® fed daily is recommended but can be given up to twice daily.

Greenies® primary ingredients are specially processed wheat gluten, natural flavours, unique teeth cleaning ingredients and chlorophyll, which gives Greenies® their green colour.

Ensure you are using the correct size Greenies® for your dog as it will make all the difference:

If treats that are too small won’t provide adequate chewing benefits. Treats that are too large can add unneeded calories to your dogs diet.

Large – for dogs 22-45kg

8 Greenies in this pack.